Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1



In general, the following works of Reich are available. I have listed several, with an
asterisk, which are not available: they were burned by the Food and Drug Administration. I
briefly describe them here to encourage public pressure for their reissue. Unless
otherwise indicated, all the books were edited by Mary Higgins and Chester M. Raphael; they
were published by Farrar, Straus, & Giroux of New York City. The first
date given refers to the Farrar publication, the second to the earliest publication of the
work in whole or in part.

Early Writings, Vol. I, 1975, 1920s. This collection contains two papers of special interest:
Reich’s monograph on the impulsive character and his disguised autobiographical account,
“The Pubertal Breaching of the Incest Taboo”, which I have used as a main key to under-
standing Reich.

Genitality, 1981, 1927. This book is, essentially, a translation of Reich’s German study,Die
Funktion des Orgasmus(not to be confused with the almost totally different later English vol-
ume with the same title). It is of great historical importance because it contains Reich’s first
detailed description oforgastic potency. However, its most important findings are present-
ed more succintly in the later English volume.

The Invasion of Compulsory Morality, 1974, 1932. This represents Reich’s attempt to understand
the origin ofsick attitudes toward sexuality through the use of findings by Malinowski, the
Marxist tradition, and his own investigations. It is less clearly written than many of his other

The Mass Psychology of Fascism, 1969, 1933. This classic work on the relationship between per-
sonality and receptivity to fascism antedates and strikes more deeply than the later, better-
known work ofErich Fromm and the authors of The Authoritarian Personality.

Character Analysis, 1972, 1933. This book surveys Reich’s psychiatric work from the 1920s
through the 19405.Although the first sections are considered classic contributions to psy-
choanalytic theory and technique,the last parts dealing with the muscular armor and bio-
energetic streamings have been shockingly neglected.

The Sexual Revolution,1974,1936.This book still represents the most slashing critique of tra-
ditional sexuality and the clearest affirmation of the healthy genital impulses of children,
adolescents, and adults.

The Biological Foundations ofPleasure and Anxiety,1982,1937.This work describes a key tran-
sition in Reich’s development,his first laboratory studies. It also contains two fine papers
that show the theoretical path to these experiments.

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