Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich

(Jacob Rumans) #1


The Journal of Orgonomy. Editor: Elsworth F. Baker, M.D. Address: Orgonomic Publications,
Inc., P. O. Box 565, Ansonia Station, New York, N.Y. 10023. This Journal hews closely to
and develops orgonomic concepts and findings. It is also often dogmatic in dealing with
related therapeutic and social developments.

Energy and Character. Editor: David Boadella. Address: David Boadella, Abbotsbury, Dorset,
England. This journal is keenly aware of the broad scientific, social, and therapeutic atmos-
phere that orgonomy has influenced but it also insufficiently emphasizes the central lines of
Reich’s thought and work.

Offshoots of Orgonomy, Editor: Lois Wyvell Address: Offshoots Publications, P. 0, Box 1248,
Gracie Station, New York, New York 10028. This periodical is frequently marred by dog-
matism, but is a brave and often successful attempt to popularize orgonomy without over-
simplifying it.

Scienza Orgonomica. Editor: Giuseppe Cammarella, M.D. Pubblicazioni Orgonomische, 215,
Via Flaminia,00196 Roma, Italia. This Italian journal reprints articles from the Journal of


New design by Christian Isidore Angelliaume 2011, éditions les atomes de l’âme.
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Originally published: New York: St Martin’s Press, 1983.


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