Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

Chapter Nineteen



She didn’t know what it was, but she was going to kill it.
She reached out, blindly, and felt a jagged pain shoot up
her arm. Everything was so bright, burning through her
eyelids, pulsing, pounding in her head. She tried to open
them, but everything felt so heavy.
Squeaking footsteps, and a stifled gasp. More footsteps.
“Doctor, she’s awake!”
Taz had to disagree. Staying awake was too much work.
She let herself drift again.

“She’s not doing well.”
“Can you blame her, honey? What she went through on
that planet-”
What planet?
Through her eyelashes, Taz saw a wave of red hair as
someone bent over her. The first voice spoke again, closer
now. “She saw it all. No one should have to-” the voice
paused. “Lieutenant Taz?”
Taz tried to respond, but her body didn’t seem to be
working properly.

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