Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

the second drop pod showed up when they did, or you
wouldn’t have stood a chance.”
The smoking remains of a hulking metal tank -
“Of course, they weren’t supposed to show up at all, but
orders from the Galactic League are nothing compared to a
crew’s loyalty for their commander.”
Their commander - Commander Up -
Up, locked in battle with the metal monster, Up taking
her hand as they ran from the exploding phason -
“You’ll be happy to hear that your mission was a success

  • the entire stock of phason was destroyed and the robots
    have been unable to power the rest of their Wing Gundam
    Up crawling toward her through the debris, Up’s hand
    on her face -
    “The tides have turned, Lieutenant, for the first time
    since this war began. The robots are weaker than ever, their
    military structure is collapsing. Between the loss of their
    fleet and what we’ve discovered about the fallibility of
    certain models to water, it won’t be long until the robots are
    finally nothing more than the slaves we created them to be.”
    Up’s warm mouth on hers, his crushing embrace - Up
    telling her that he loved her, before they made their final
    “The war is over, Lieutenant. And you played an
    important role in its end. You should be proud. The
    G.L.E.E. is grateful to you.”
    Up’s blood splattered across her face.
    Her eyes flew open.
    “Up-” she said, or tried to say, her throat raw and
    The voice fell silent.
    She struggled to sit up. The voice sat on a chair across
    the room at the foot of her bed. He was tall, and dressed in

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