Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

Dr. Renley folded her hands. “I’m your psychiatrist,
Commander. It’s my job to try and understand you, and
where you come from, and that includes the relationships
you’ve had with those around you. You seemed to have
lived a rather solitary life, Commander. The Tripps appear
to be some of the few individuals you’ve let get close to
Up continued to eye her suspiciously. “Yes. That is
where they met. Rosie was on the medical staff - it was her
first starship assignment.”
“And when you were attacked by the robots-”
“We lost most of the medical team, yes. Rosie became
the ship’s doctor. She stepped up beautifully.”
“That must have been a very difficult time for everyone
on the ship. Did you believe all along that you could bring
the Eagle home, Commander?”
Up was silent for a long time. “No,” he said finally. “But
I had to put on a good show for the crew, didn’t I, or we’d
have never stood a chance.”
“Did you ever get lonely?”
“In those two and a half years without contact with
anyone on Earth. Tripp had Rosie-”
“Tripp didn’t have Rosie. She was engaged to some
fellow back home, someone her parents had arranged for
her. I don’t think she ever loved the guy, but she was too
good of a person to betray him like that.” Up shifted
uncomfortably. “It was only after the Eagle had returned to
Earth, and she had broken it off with him, that they were
able to be together.”
“Nevertheless, would you deny that it was on the Eagle
that your friends fell in love?”
“Well – no-”
“So then,” the psychiatrist continued, looking

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