Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

“Break it up! This is a hospital, not a karaoke bar, for
dead God’s sake!”
The sound of more scuffling, and then the doors burst
open to reveal Taz shaking off a hospital security guard and
seething with anger. She stopped short as she saw him,
cowering against the wall. Shock, and something worse
than that, filled her face. Her cheek was beginning to swell,
and blood streamed from a cut above her eye.
They stared at each other for a moment, and then Taz
turned and stalked off. Up hung his head.

“Your career has been a successful one, Commander.
Graduating top of your class, quick promotions in every
field, widely acknowledged as a respected leader, a war
hero. The return of the Eagle was nothing short of
miraculous, and the Cazadora was instrumental in the
destruction of the robot fleet, which all would acknowledge
to be the turning point in the Robot Wars. And your actions
on Qo’noS ensured the robots’ defeat. The only reason
you’re not a Rear Admiral already is because you refused
the promotion, and there is little doubt you could have been
Admiral someday if you’d wanted to be.”
Could have been.
“The newsfeeds have been calling you a super-soldier.
Dr. Claw has been careful to praise your sacrifice – and,
admittedly, his own medical prowess in bringing you back.
You’re the Robot Wars’ greatest hero. How does that make
you feel?”
“I was just doing my job,” said Up. The psychiatrist
wasn’t blinking, and it made him uneasy. “I wasn’t trying to
be anyone’s hero.”
“What happened on Qo’noS-”
“What, getting sawed in half?” Up said bitterly.
Dr. Renley paused. “Yes, that. You should have died,

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