Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

Chapter Twenty-three

Starship, Part Two

Up needed a smoke.

It was strictly against Rosie’s orders, but to hell with it.
What was the point of having a second chance at life if you
couldn’t enjoy its small pleasures anymore? He twirled the
cigar between his fingers for a moment before lighting it,
and bringing it to his mouth. The heady smoke was
calming, and he closed his eyes briefly in satisfaction.
He’d been pacing his ready room, slowly, his limp more
pronounced after the day’s adventures. Up had assumed that
Space-Claw had assigned him to this mission because it
was supposed to be an easy one – escort the colonists to the
alien planet, scope it out, drop them off with their gear, and
then coast back to Earth – but that was clearly not the case.
Giant insects and a rogue Megagirl unit – and now the news
that a G.L.E.E. starship had even crashed here eighteen
years ago, with one solitary survivor. Thank dead God for
Bug. They’d still be trapped on the planet - if not already
becoming a tasty spider snack - if it wasn’t for that boy.
Hit me back!
Taz’s voice, her words, echoed in his brain, and he took
another drag to try and ease the pain splitting his heart. She
had never looked at him like that. She had never spoken to
him like that. And now it was all too clear what she really
thought of him, of what was left of him when the super-
soldier was gone.
And now I see. I see that Up – he did die in that Robot

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