Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

shit-scared by the day’s events by his reckoning – anyone in
their right mind would be. And he was responsible for them

  • not just for their work, but for their well-being. “Been a
    heck of a day, hasn’t it, Specs?”

Taz had been lurking in the hallways next to Up’s ready
room for a while now. She’d tried the gym, but found
herself too distracted for reps, so she’d started running laps
in the corridors. She’d passed Tootsie and that puta of a
robot Megagirl on their way to the brig and thought about
stopping to give the idiota a hand, but the country pumpkin
was going on about meaningless stars and hearts made of
steel and she wanted nothing to do with that conversation.
February had shrieked “Phillipa!” and looked like she was
pouncing for another hug, but Taz had managed to dodge
between her and the newcomer Bug, who may have saved
all their culos today but sure had inexplicable taste in
women. She ran for what felt like miles, but she couldn’t
outrun her guilt.
Her path took her past Up’s door before she’d even
realized where she was, just in time to see a February-less
Bug go in and that idiota Krayonder leave with a sleeping
Specs in his arms and a smug look on his face. Was
everyone on this damned starship coupling up? For some
reason the thought made her even angrier.
She ran past, and then slowed to a walk. The team was a
mess. This whole mission was a mess. Rampaging bugs, a
double-crossing robot, and now missing warp crystals? And
Up’s suggestion to the team was to go and take a bubble
Without meaning to, Taz turned and walked in the other
Her outburst on the planet had been ridiculous, and
cruel, but she’d needed to say it, all of it, she just couldn’t

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