Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

Taz’s face was set. “Let’s go! Those cucarachas can’t be
far behind!”
“So you thought I was stupid, huh?”
Taz threw her hands up in exasperation as February
whirled on Bug. “Too stupid to figure out you were a bug?”
“But you didn’t figure it out and I told you twice!”
February gasped indignantly. “Don’t talk to me, Bug,
I’ve had enough of your lies.”
She ran to Up and let out a sob against his shoulder. He
patted her back. If there was one thing he understood, it was
heartache. “Come here, come here. Let it out, let it out.” He
glared at Bug. “Look what you did.”
“No, no, I never meant for anyone to get hurt, Up,
you’ve got to believe me!”
“I-” He wanted to. Bug had proven himself a good
friend. But a real bug? Up turned away. “I don’t know what
means anything anymore.”
Taz looked like she was going to have a fit. “Día de los
Muertos,” she said, striding over and pushing Bug away.
“He can’t be trusted – and neither can you.”
She wasn’t trying to insult him. She was just stating a
“Specs!” she called. “Go find Tootsie, reverse the core
The hum of the mosquitoes’ wings grew closer.
“They’re coming!” bawled February.
“Dammit!” Taz said, looking around and then grabbing
Up’s zapper out of his hand. “Give me this.” She held it out
to February. “Do you know how to use one of these?”
“Uh, I think so, I’ve used a blow dryer before.”
Taz considered this. “Okay. If something attacks you,
you pretend you’re trying to blow dry its hair. Now go lock
yourself in your room!”
“Okay, got it!” February called over her shoulder as she

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