Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

gripped his back. “Now come on, let’s go help out the rest
of the crew. Quick – hop on my back. I can run faster than
the two of us combined.”
It was silly, it was ridiculous even, but there was no way
she was turning that offer down. He helped her climb up
and they charged, shouting out their rage, their joy, their
exuberance. Shouting out together.

Up felt taller, stronger, faster than he’d felt in years as he
ran with Taz perched on his back, relishing the closeness of
her, not even trying to stop the silly smile spreading across
his face. For a brief moment, she rested her chin on his
shoulder, her head pressed against his, and he could smell
her, the delicate scent of her still present under the blood
and mosquito guts.
He'd almost forgotten what hope felt like. This was it.
They came upon February, her hand pressed against the
airlock door, through which Bug was just visible. He had
the scorpion impaled upon a long rod. Up set Taz quickly
down on the ground and they looked at each other before
turning to the scene before them.
“Why did you lie to me, Bug?” February cried through
the glass.
“February-” Bug said, breathing heavily. “At first I just
want to help you escape from that hatchery. But I knew I
loved you the second I laid eyes on you in that mucus sac.”
I knew I loved you... Up’s eyes darted toward Taz. She
was staring at Bug and February, but she seemed to be
seeing through them. He couldn’t pinpoint when he’d
known that he loved Taz. She’d snuck up on him, invaded
his life, a feisty teenager with a long braid, a talented
Ranger rising through the ranks, a woman who had taught
him to dance. The only person who cared enough about him
to challenge him to be better than he was.

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