Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

The funeral party turned to see a great, orange ant-like
creature with bulbous blue eyes looking hopefully toward
them. The other Rangers rushed to the far side of the
“It’s a damn bug!” she said, wishing for the zapper she’d
stupidly left in the drop pod. Up put his arm out
protectively in front of her.
“No, guys, it’s me, Bug!”
Up took a step forward, his arm still outstretched.
“Yeah! I know I look a little different, but you see when
my body died up there – I woke up down here.”
And Taz watched in amazement, mixed perhaps with a
little revulsion, as February proved herself to be far more
understanding, and forgiving, and selfless, than she had
ever been, and kissed the insect square on the... mandibles.
“I love you Bug! I love you so much!”
Up was beaming, and Taz felt a smile tug at the corner of
her mouth. His fatherly pride really was kind of cute.
Almost endearing. She reached her hand up toward him -
“Well, tarnation, y’all! This calls for a celebration of
Tootsie took Megagirl by the hand, and Taz took a step
“Whaddya say we turn this here funeral – into a
Was he kidding? He was asking the robot to marry him?
She looked at Up, but there was no fear in his face now,
only delight.
The ceremony was over almost as quickly as the
proposal had been, and when Tootsie pulled his new wife in
for a kiss, Up put his arm around Taz’s shoulders. She did
the same to him.
They fit together perfectly. But she’d always known that.

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