Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1


And Now We Dance

Junior Claw would surely be turning in his slimy,

larvae-lined grave if he could see the scene on the deck of
Starship 15A-2 tonight. Six Starship Rangers didn’t quite
make a party, and the colonists on board were still in their
unexciting cryofrozen state, so Up had given permission for
Bug to invite a number of his kinsmen up to the ship for
Tootsie and Megagirl’s impromptu wedding celebration.
The deck was buzzing, quite literally, with large glittery
wings and shiny carapaces in every direction. The happy
couple were surrounded by curious insects, listening to the
romantic musings of a little purple fellow Bug had
introduced to them as Roach. Krayonder was chasing Specs
around the dance floor, and February was rubbing noses –
did ants have noses? - with her new alien boyfriend in the
It was a happy scene. Full of joy, and life, and love.
Up pulled at the collar of his white dress shirt, feeling
uncomfortably warm in the fancy duds February had
managed to get the replicator to cough up for him - he’d
been starting to get used to his commander’s uniform again.
He stood to the side and his eyes traced the room, seeking
out a red bandana, a Mexican temper, a pair of dark eyes.
Where is she?
He didn’t want to do it, but after a few minutes’ fruitless
searching, he tapped February on the shoulder. “Have you
seen Taz? Is she coming tonight?”

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