Learning to Dance

(Ann) #1

Chapter Eleven


The Graali senator sat hunched at the Panther’s

interrogation table, her glowing eyes fixed on the wall
across the room. Up folded his arms and leaned back in his
chair, a picture of nonchalance.
“Well, Senator,” he said. “It appears that the tables have
The senator’s hate-filled gaze flicked to Up. Behind him,
Taz leaned against the wall, one boot up, examining her
“So it’s your choice,” Up continued. “We can do this the
easy way – or your way.”
Taz straightened up, and the senator laughed, a low,
grinding sound.
“Is this really the scariest soldier you’ve got,
Commander?” she said. “Am I supposed to be afraid of
Taz walked casually over to the table. Before the
senator’s laugh had echoed away, Taz was behind her, one
hand on a scaly horn, the other pressing the knife to her
throat. The senator made a rasping sound.
“Like I said, Senator,” Up said, still relaxed in his chair.
“It’s up to you.”
They eyed one another, and then the Senator raised her
hands. Up nodded, and Taz released her.
“You think the robots are going to stick around once they
realize how fallible – how weak – their allies are?” Up said.

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