The Everything Restaurant Recipes Cookbook

(Tina Meador) #1

Grating gives food a very fine texture and can be done with a box grater or handheld grater.
Julienne simply means to cut something into long strips. This is usually done with vegetables.
Slicing is when you cut completely through an object such as meat, fruit, vegetables, cheese, or
Zesting is the process of removing the outer portion of a citrus fruit peel.

Knife maintenance is a necessary skill because a sharp knife is a safe knife. It is an essential kitchen
tool, which must be properly maintained in order to keep it in perfect working order. Take the time to
sharpen your knives because a dull knife will slip and cause you to cut yourself.

There are various techniques for preparing meat and vegetables for cooking. Here are the basic
terms you will need to know to make the recipes in this book.

Al dente means “to the tooth” in Italian, and is a term for pasta indicating that it is cooked
just enough to maintain a firm texture.
Basting is to moisten food during cooking with pan drippings or a sauce to prevent drying
and add flavor.
Blanching is to slightly cook food in boiling water.
Braising is the recommended cooking method for tough cuts of meat, where they are cooked
slowly in a small amount of liquid.
Brining is to soak food in salted water.
Broil means to cook food below direct heat.
Butterfly is to split foods down the middle without completely separating the halves.
Deep fry is to cook food in enough hot oil to cover the food until it is crispy.
Marinate means to stand food in a liquid in order to enhance the flavor and tenderize.
Poaching involves cooking a food by submerging it in simmering liquid.
Roasting is a method used to cook food in an oven.
Searing involves browning meat quickly on high heat to seal in the juices.
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