The Forms of Hebrew Poetry

(Joyce) #1


both in the Psalm and Samuel in both lines; nevertheless the
Hebrew text of the Psalm, with different prepositions in the
two lines, is the original text. A somewhat similar error to the
two just considered occurs in v. 47: here the Psalm has in the two
lines as synonymous terms yrvc, my rock, and yfwy yhlx, the God of

my salvation: through erroneous repetition of the term of the first
line Samuel agrees with the Psalm in the first line, but in the
second line has the conflate phrase, the God of the rock of my
salvation. In v. 29 Samuel has Yahweh in both lines; the Psalm,
Yahweh in the first, and my God in the second line: the text of
Samuel is wrong, but is perhaps not due to mere extrusion of a
differentiated term by a repetition of the same term. Somewhat
different, too, but worthy of consideration in this connexion, is
the loss of the undoubtedly correct yrbwm, billows, of 2 Samuel

xxii. 5 in the Psalm through the substitution for it in the latter
passage of ylbH, snares, which occurs in the next distich.

At times parallel terms in parallel lines suffered transposition :
where accidents of this kind have taken place, they cannot
generally be detected. It has been suggested that such an
accident befell the text of Nahum i. 4 (see p. 257, n. 1) ;
and there is one certain example of such an accident in the
poem that occurs both in Isaiah ii. 2-4 and Micah i. 1-4: in
Isaiah ii. 2 e, 3 a = Micah iv. 1 e, 2 a the parallel terms, Myvg, nations,

and Mymf, peoples, occur in this order in Isaiah, in the reverse

order in Micah.
A few further examples may be given of repetitions in the
present Hebrew text which there is some reason to suspect was

not in as original fact. In Job ix. 10 Nyx-df occurs in both verses;

but in the earlier occurrence of the verse in v. 9 we find the versa-
tion Nyxdf.. Nyxv. In Job xii. 23 Myvgl is repeated, but five MSS.

give Mymxl the second line. In xiii. 7 1-unn is repeated, but the

LXp has lalei?te.. fqe<ggesqe; the letters v b never renders rdd

except perhaps in Eccles. xiii. 22, but it renders fybh Ps. Ixxvii.

2, lxxiii. 4 : or should perhaps read vfybt for the second vrbdt.

Similarly the repeated tvfy in Job viii. 3, rw in Amos v. 9, vtvmy in

Jer. xi. 22 are all represented by different words in the LXp.

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