The Forms of Hebrew Poetry

(Joyce) #1


Rhythmical parallelism= Synthetic Strophe, 4, 186-197
parallelism (q.v.), 99 Subsectional parallelism, 99, 102 n.,
“Run-on" or "Non-stop" lines, 103 f., 107 f., 111, 115
127, 207, 212 Synonymous parallelism, 49
Synthetic parallelism, 49-52, 98,
Saf. See Rhymed prose 118, 193
Samuel, Sievers' metrical theory of Text and metre, 32, 1S2 n. 1
the Books of, 47 f., 203 Tristichs, 105, 159, 162, 167, 182,
Scansion in Assyrian, 141, 144 n., 191
Secondary parallelism, 104, 163 f.,
272 n.
Sectional parallelism in Lamenta-
tions, 101-103 Unit, rhythmical, 12, 16, 141, 158 f.,
Sibylline oracles, 33 183 f.
Sievers' theory of Hebrew metre, of parallelism, 158 f
47, 143-154, 184, 202-.216
Soferim, 22 n.
Solomon ibn Gabirol, 9 Verse-paragraphs, 126 f., 190-192
Stichometry, 21 n. 2 Vetter's theory of caesura, 168 n.
Stichos, stichoi, 12, 95, 15S f. Vocalisation, Sievers' theory of
"Stopped-line " verse, 127 147-149
Stressed syllable, words without, in Origen's Hexapla, 148
138-142, 145 f., 150 f, in Jerome, 148
words with more than one, 137 f.,
concurrence of two, 139, 149 Wisdom, Book of, 32, 33, 136


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