Clinical Psychology

(Kiana) #1

dimension. It represents a fairly direct approach to
measurement that does not require the degree of
training that is necessary, for example, to score the
Rorschach. Some clinicians may be disturbed by the
ISB’s relative lack of disguise. Perhaps because of

this, the ISB does not typically provide information
that could not be gleaned from a reasonably exten-
sive interview. In many ways, then, the ISB provides
a cognitive and behavioral picture of the patient
rather than a“deep, psychodynamic”picture.

Sentence Completion Test
Instructions: Finish each of the following sentences in any way you wish.

  1. I secretly wish

  2. What worries me is

  3. Secretly, I need

  4. In the evening

  5. My mom

  6. I want

  7. My classes

  8. I fear

  9. I get angry when

  10. Men

  11. Tomorrow

  12. My best friend

  13. My nerves

  14. I have fantasies about

  15. For sure

  16. Higher education

  17. Getting married

  18. If only I could

  19. My dad

  20. People

  21. I would eventually like to

  22. My dad thinks my mom

  23. I wish I could forget

  24. Many of my friends

  25. My biggest wish

  26. My best friend doesn’t know

Example of a sentence completion test.

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