Law of War Handbook 2005

(Jacob Rumans) #1
(6)Does a POW violate the Code if he writes a letter to his family? No.
It's not in response to questioning.

(7)LLConfessions"to war crimes may result in loss of POW status if later
tried. See reservations to Art. 85, GPW in Pictet, at 423 -427.

  1. Article VI -"I will never forget that I am an American, responsible for my
    actions and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will
    trust in my God and in the United States of America."

E. Code of Conduct Training as part of LOW Training.

"The most consistent unsolicited statement made by Southeast Asia Prisoners
of War concern the need for improved and uniform training so that future
prisoners would all be working together from the same and the best ground

  1. Should JAs be teaching this? Why not, if no Survival, Evasion, Resistance
    and Escape (SERE) program.

a.  JAs are no less qualified than any other non-SERE graduate.

b. JAs can combine and distinguish between the legal and moral obligations.

c.  Code of Conduct instruction meshes well with other POW classes we
already teach.

  1. "John Wayne doesn't appear at POW camps."111

  2. "Return with Honor"114

'32 The Code of Conduct: a Second Look (US. Air Force Productions)
Experiences of a POW (TJAGSA Productions, Sept. 1985). A great tool for teaching Code of Conduct.
'" 4 outstanding PBS Home Video documentary. This 102-minute videotape is available from PBS under
the "The American Experience" series. Return with Honor" is hosted by Tom Hanks and it details the
experiences of U.S. POWs during the Vietnam War. It is a powerful and useful tool in teaching the Code of
Conduct as the U.S. POWs discuss various ways they survived their captivity with honor.

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