Law of War Handbook 2005

(Jacob Rumans) #1

(2) Other violations of the laws and customs of war "applicable ... within

the established framework of international law."

(a) The Statue provides a laundry list of these crimes from various

(b)It also crirninalizes the attack of personnel, equipment, installations,
or vehicles involved with a UN peacekeeping or humanitarian

(c) Recognizes that the Statute does not apply to situations of mere
internal disturbances and tensions that do not rise to the level of a
Common Article 3 conflict.

  1. Crime of Aggression. Article 5(2) states that the ICC will have jurisdiction
    over the crime of aggression after a provision is adopted defining the crime
    and setting out the conditions under which the ICC will exercise this

G. Statute of the Iraqi Special Tribunal

  1. Genocide

  2. Crimes Against Humanity

  3. War Crimes

  4. Certain Violations of Iraqi Law, to include Tampering with the Judiciary,
    War against an Arab state, and Squandering Iraqi resources.

H. Common Article 3 of the Four Geneva Conventions. Minimum standards that
Parties to a conflict are bound to apply, in the case of armed conflict not of an
international character occumng in the territory of one of the High Contracting
parties. Nothing in Common Article 3 discusses individual criminal liability.

  1. ICTY has held that prosecutions for violations of Common Article 3 can be
    brought in international as well as internal armed conflicts.

  2. The International Criminal Court statute provides for prosecution of
    violations of Common Article 3 in non-international armed conflicts. See
    Rome Statute, article 8(c).

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