Law of War Handbook 2005

(Jacob Rumans) #1

History of the Law of War


Dept. of Army, Pamphlet 27-1, Treaties Governing Land Warfare (7 December 1956) [-

hereinafter DAPAM 27-11 (reprinted in Documentary Supplement).
Dept. of Army, Pamphlet 27-1-1, Protocols To The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 (
September 1979). [hereinafter DA PAM 27-1-11 (reprinted in Documentary Supplement).
Dept. of Army, Pamphlet 27-161-2, Intemational Law, Vol. I1 (23 October 1962). [hereinafter DA
PAM 27-1 6 1-21 (no longer in print).
Intemational Committee of the Red Cross, Commentary on the Geneva Convention (1) for the
Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field (Jean S.
Pictet ed., 1952) [hereinafter Pictet]
Leon Fnedman, The Law of War--A Documentary History--Vol. I (1972).
Lothar Kotzsch, The Concept of War In Contemporary History and Intemational Law (1956).
Julius Stone, Legal Controls of International Conflict (1954).
John N. Moore, National Security Law (1990).
L. Oppenheim, Intemational Law Vol. I1 Disputes, War and Neutrality (7Ih ed. 1952).

  1. Gerhard von Glahn, Law Among Nations (1992).

  2. Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars (1977).

  3. Percy Bordwell, The Law of War Between Belligerents: A History and Commentary (1908).

  4. Chris Jochnick and Roger Normand, The Legitimization of Violence: A Critical History of the
    Laws of War, 35 HARV. INT'L.L. J. 49 (Winter, 1994).

14. Eric S. Kra~iss and Mike 0.Lacey, Utilitarian vs. Humanitarian: The Battle Over the Law of

War,PARAMETERS,Summer 2002.

  1. Scott Morris, The Laws of War: Rules for Warriors by Warriors,ARMYLAWYER,Dec. 1997.
    16. Gregory P. Noone, The History and Evolution of the Law of War Prior to World War II,
    NAVALL. REV. 176 (2000).



  1. Identify common historical themes that continue to support the validity of
    laws regulating warfare.

  2. Identify the two "prongs" of legal regulation of warfare.

  3. Trace the historical "cause and effect" evolution of laws related to the
    conduct of war.

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