A trader\'s money management system

(Ben Green) #1

P1:a/b P2:c/d QC:e/f T1:g
c10 JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 16:11 Printer: Yet to come


For example, if we entered an IBM stock trade at $91.49 and our ini-
tial stop-loss exit is set at $90.23, then our maximum trade size would
be 753 shares based on an account size of $50,000, a commission cost of
$51.22 using 150 percent margin. Our actual dollar margin amount would
be $18,891.97, but our risk on the trade, if stopped out, would be $1,000, or
2 percent of $50,000. Here, we are using margin while keeping the trade
risk within 2 percent.


You can certainly do manual handwritten calculations for the formulas pre-
sented here, but I developed some simple software that makes it easier and
faster to make these calculations during the trading day. It’s called theTrade
Size CalculatorTMand a free 30-day trial of the software comes with the pur-
chase of this book. Take a look at Figure 10.1 to see an illustration of how the
calculator is used. Then you can refer to Appendix A for all the information on
how to download your free trial of the software from the TradersCoach.com
Web site.


Take a look at Figure 10.1 to see an example of using the Trade Size Cal-
culator software to determine your trade size. Here you will see that the
specifics of the trade are as follows:
Account size=$50,000
Percent of capital at risk=2 percent
Trade entry price=$26.89
Initial trade exit price=$25.45
Risk amount per share=$1.54
Commission=$10 round trip

On Figure 10.1 you can see that the risk amount is the distance between
the trade entry price and the initial stop-loss exit price. That amount of risk
comes to $1.54 per share and is indicated by an arrow pointing to the entry
and arrow pointing to the initial stop-loss exit. After entering the specifics
of the trade into the calculator, you see the following results:
Maximum trade size=642 shares
Dollar risk=$998.68
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