A trader\'s money management system

(Ben Green) #1

P1: PIC/b P2: c/d QC: e/f T1: g
c13 JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 16:20 Printer: Yet to come


2.What is your diet like?
a. Healthy and controlled (5 points)
b.Don’t really think about it (10 points)
c.Unhealthy and uncontrolled (15 points)
3.Are you good with your record keeping and with keeping your check-
book balanced?
a. Always great at keeping records and analysis (5 points)
b.Usually do record keeping (10 points)
c.Sometimes do record keeping (15 points)
4.Do you have substantial clutter in your office?
a. Never have clutter (5 points)
b.Sometimes have clutter (10 points)
c.Always have clutter (15 points)
5.Do you pay your bills and expenses on time?
a. Always (5 points)
b.Usually (10 points)
c.Sometimes (15 points)
6.Have you got a regular exercise routine that you follow?
a. Yes, I have a regular routine that I always follow (5 points)
b.Yes, I have a regular routine that I sometimes follow (10 points)
c.No, I have no routine (15 points)

Write Your Discipline Score Here:
Once you have checked off one box for each of the six discipline pro-
file questions, then add up the number of total points and enter the score
above. (You will see the points for each answer in parenthesis next to your
selection for each question.)
There is nogoodscore orbadscore; this is just a way to determine
what will work best for your money management plan. You will come out
with a score of 30 to 90, and your score will give you an idea of how to
set up your rules so that you take into account your discipline strengths or
Discipline Profile Score:

30–50 point score:You are highly disciplined and will have the ability
to easily follow your trading rules and maintain good record keeping.
You are more of a left-brain thinker and will probably have some diffi-
culty in thinking out of the box and coming up with creative solutions
to trading challenges.
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