P1: PIC/b P2: c/d QC: e/f T1: g
c13 JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 16:20 Printer: Yet to come
Know Thyself—Your Risk Profile and Discipline Profile 137
50–70 point score:You are right on target and have an average dis-
cipline profile. You are more of a whole-brain thinker. Steady as she
70–90 point score:You generally struggle with being disciplined. You
will need to really focus on keeping good records and analyzing your
results. You are more of a right-brain thinker and will probably find it
easier to come up with creative solutions to your trading challenges.
The two exercises in this chapter are intended to identify what your com-
fort zone is in regard to risk and discipline. The scores you came up with
for your risk profile and discipline profile will help you design a custom
plan that will serve you well. Use this knowledge to move your trading to
the next level.
There are times when it pays to push the envelope and try to break out
of our comfort zone. Trying new things and new ways of doing things can
generate growth.