A trader\'s money management system

(Ben Green) #1

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c02 JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 15:39 Printer: Yet to come


Confidence in

Your Plan


f you don’t believe your plan will work, it won’t. That’s a rule that ap-
plies to most anything, kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Many things
may stand in your way, a good plan but poor self esteem, an ego that
doesn’t think you need a plan, or maybe just a poor plan. If you don’t be-
lieve in your plan (or don’t have one), get to the bottom why and make
adjustments; it is now or never.


One of the greatest challenges for any trader is to finally come to the point
where he or she sincerely believes to the very core of their being that a
sound money management program is vital.
It is a stumbling block for a great many, since most individuals partic-
ipating in the markets today just don’t believe that money management is
particularly important. Analyzing the crucial and latest fundamentals, using
the best technical software, most traders and investors believe that those
items are the magic pill and should take priority over and above everything
else. They think money management “just ain’t sexy.”
It’s one of those things where a trader is convinced, “What happened
to that guy, that’ll never happen to me. I’m smarter than that, I would never
lose that much money. I’m not that stupid—my fundamental and technical
analysis is flawless...”
Truthfully, to satisfy your ego’s need for feeling brilliant, it’s all a mat-
ter of probabilities and has nothing to do with being “smart” or “stupid.”

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