P1: PIC/b P2: VEV/d QC: e/f T1: g
c02 JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 15:39 Printer: Yet to come
Frankly, it could happen to anyone, because the market is a volatile, pow-
erful and unpredictable place. The power of the market can overcome
even the most experienced of market participants. Sometimes, it’s like a
tidal wave—you may even see it coming but you can’t get out of the way
in time.
The 1929 and 1987 market crashes, the many housing bubbles over the
years, Pearl Harbor, September 11, the technology bubble of 2000, the col-
lapse of Enron—the list goes on and on. Some situations are bigger than
life, and it is those situations, in addition to the day-to-day unpredictable
nature of the market, that sound risk control can help you manage. It is all
about calculating probabilities and making sure they work for you and not
against you.
It is similar to having an insurance policy—so, yes, your house burned
down or got blown away in a hurricane. But at least you have insurance
money to rebuild your life once you have overcome the emotional shock
and devastation. A stop-loss exit will cost you money along the way just
like the cost of insurance, but you didn’t lose it all and you can regroup and
rethink your position at the end of the day.
Consider that position in contrast to not having a stop loss in place and
instantly losing everything you have. Basically, a money management plan
is a cost of doing business, just like insurance that you no doubt currently
have and understand the need for. Consider a change in perspective and
see money management as insurance and a cost of doing business. It may
take on an even greater meaning and value to you.
The principles that work for you in day-to-day life can also work in your trading
and investing endeavors. Putting a money management plan into place may
create some additional costs to you in both time and money. But these costs
can work to your advantage in the same way as paying a monthly insurance
premium cost can protect you against catastrophe for a variety of situations in
your day-to-day life.
We’ve listed a number of common insurance policies that you may be ben-
efiting from today. If you can see how these policies help protect you from dis-
aster, you may find it easier to see the benefit in also insuring that you protect
yourself from the potential risks that are inherent in the financial markets:
Automobile insurance for both bodily injury and car repair and replacement
due to an accident
Home insurance for both bodily injury and home repair and replacement
due to an accident or catastrophe