P1: PIC/b P2: c/d QC: e/f T1: g
c03 JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 15:41 Printer: Yet to come
repeated small successes), that skill in preparation (which was motivated
by a fearful mindset) may be your greatest asset.
Another way to look at a weakness is to realize that our minds are an
amazing thing. You can rewire certain thought processes to change your
belief system and even change some of your weaknesses. Now, this may
not be possible in all cases, but by using certain techniques, it is possible
to rewire your brain.
For example, suppose one of your nagging weaknesses is anxiety that
creates paralysis and prevents you from implementing your plan. You can
rewire your thinking to reduce the anxiety, possibly using relaxation tech-
niques, or you could adjust your trading plan so it is not as aggressive.
With behavior modification, the anxiety may simply disappear and may no
longer be an issue.
Of course, your strengths are a different matter. You probably know
what they are. Maybe your skills with computers are exceptional and make
it easy for you to produce fantastic technical charts. Use that asset to your
advantage, and work your computer savvy into your plan. Maybe your
analysis abilities on fundamentals have an intuitive knack for being on
target—so again, work that positive strength into your plan.
Capitalizing on your strengths and weaknesses will develop your risk
psychology and will make it easier for you to implement your money man-
agement plan more effectively and consistently.
There is a Chinese philosophy of yin and yang that basically illustrates the
opposites in our universe, such as strength and weakness. These opposites
are very telling. This philosophy believes that there is no such thing as 100
percent black or 100 percent white, and that black and white (and all op-
posites) coexist in nature in an intertwined harmonious circle shape.
The yin and yang image in Figure 3.1 presents a small white circle float-
ing in the black area and a small black circle floating in the white area. The
belief is that there is a little bit of the opposite that exists in every universal
element. Characters in a book or movie are never all bad or all good (ex-
cept maybe on soap operas). There is usually a little diversity thrown into
the characters to make them more interesting. The Chinese believe that in
the universe, the same applies: Nothing is 100 percent black or white.
With that said, neither yin nor yang is either good or bad; they just are
what they are. This is similar to your strengths and weaknesses; they are
not necessarily good or bad. Acceptance of what they are is valuable in
your progress as a trader in the markets.