P1: PIC/b P2: c/d QC: e/f T1: g
c03 JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 15:41 Printer: Yet to come
Yin and Yang 25
FIGURE 3.1 Chinese Yin and Yang Symbol Illustrating Opposites in Harmony
This means that there must be harmony and balance in your approach
in order to be consistently successful. For example, excessive joy over
a win or excessive anger over a loss will not be beneficial to your fi-
nancial outcome. Rather, an even keel—a balanced emotional attitude
where all your opposites are in harmony—will create the best financial
bottom line.
For example, when I had two trades that created huge monetary losses
for me many years ago, it seemed like that was the worst thing that could
happen. I was angry at myself for sure. But, just as in the Chinese philos-
ophy, that dark moment created the seed for a bright future that included
the sound money management that I use to this day. Now that I have dis-
tance from those losses, I can see objectively that they were the catalyst
that created a plan that generates far more monetary gains in the here and
now. My perception of the early losses has changed.
Take a look at Table 3.1. What I want you to see is that there are
many opposites in this world that live in harmony. Dark, light; weakness,
strength; downward, upward; bear market, bull market; these opposites
all coexist and operate together. It is as if without one of them, the other
would not exist.
My point in providing this list of yin and yang is for you to see that
you need not fear your weaknesses. And, just as important, you need not