A trader\'s money management system

(Ben Green) #1

P1: PIC/b P2: VEV/d QC: e/f T1: g
c07 JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 15:58 Printer: Yet to come

Stop-Loss Exit Rules 57

Risk is inevitable in the markets, and there is an art to managing the
possibilities. It is not a matter of fearing the risk. Instead, focus on playing
the “what-if” scenario so that you can adequately prepare yourself for any


The topic of where to set stop-loss exits generally falls under the heading
oftrading system. Your exits must be carefully coordinated with your en-
tries, and this is a trading skill that must be developed with experience. The
theory of stop selection is really a separate topic from money management,
but they are so connected that it is important to give you an outline of stop
theory as part of our discussion.
There are a variety of stops that you can incorporate into your system.
The following seven are the ones I find most valuable:

  1. Initial stop.First stop set at the beginning of your trade. This stop
    is identified before you enter the market. The initial stop is also used
    to calculate your position size. It is the largest loss you will take in
    the current trade. See Figure 7.1, where the first “up” triangle on the

FIGURE 7.1 TheARTSoftware Identifies the Initial Stop and the Subsequent Trail-
ing Stops.
Source:eSignal. http://www.eSignal.com
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