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(singke) #1

As 2 is a number, you may have a doubt whether or not to insert the numeral sign before
the number “ 2 ” and after the superscript sign. A rule of thumb is that numeral sign need
not be used after an indicator as numeral sign is also an indicator and two indicators
together are not necessary. You will understand this rule when you start practicing the
usage of these codes.

Taking a clue from the literal meaning of superscript, it is the one which is “up” and
therefore, the opposite of “up”, which is down is called as the “subscript”. If dots 4&5
belong to the upper cell and indicate superscript, what may be dots for subscript which are
expected to appear in the lower cell? The dots must be 5 & 6. You are right. Dots 5 & 6
indicate the subscript.

Base Code 12 : Dots 5 and 6 - Mirror image of number (2)
Subscript Indicator ( )
Like superscript, which is indicated by the reverse “b”, that is by dots 4 and 5, the
subscript operation is indicated by mirror image of number 2, that is by dots 5 and 6.

X 2 is written as

Note : There is no need to use subscript indicator if subscript is a numeral to the variable.

Base Code 13: Dot 5 - Mirror image of the number (1)
Baseline Indicator ( )
In writing expressions such as X^2 + Y^2 etc., the learner should understand that the sign (+)
is written at the base level. Though it is clear visually, there needs to be an indication for
the tactile learner that the superscript function is over and we are returning to the base
before starting the next operation. In the above expressions, X, +, and Y are at the base
level, whereas the number “ 2 ” is the superscript. Whenever a number is distinguished
from the base level by superscript or subscript operations, there is a need to indicate the
“returning to the base” by inserting the base line code (dot 5) after the superscript or
subscript. Therefore, the above expression is written in Braille form as follows:












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