Final Cover - For Printing

(singke) #1

  1. Even numbers
    Numbers which are divisible by 2 without leaving any remainder are called as even

Therefore, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,... are all even numbers.

To enable the child to know whether a particular number, say for instance, 12 is even,
provide the child with 12 beads. Ask the child to group the given beads into two’s.
If the grouping in two’s is possible without a remainder, then the number 12 is an
even number.

  1. Odd numbers
    Numbers which when divided by 2, leaving a remainder 1 are called as odd numbers.

Therefore, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,... are all odd numbers.

To enable the child to understand whether a particular number is odd, follow the same
procedure in identifying an even number. In the process, if a single bead is left over
at the end, then the number considered is odd.

  1. Prime Number
    A number that can be divided by 1 and itself is said to be a prime number. In
    other words, a number which has got only two divisors is called a prime number.

To enable the child to check whether a number, say 11, is prime or not, provide the
child with 11 beads. Ask the child to regroup the beads in equal magnitudes barring
the groups of 1’s and 11’s. If the grouping can be done then 11 is not a prime
number. If the grouping in equal magnitudes cannot be done then 11 is a prime

Note that 1 is neither a prime number nor a composite number. Also, 2 is the only
even prime number.
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