- Decimals
Fractions having their denominators as 10, 100, 1000 etc., are called as decimal
fractions. In other words, decimals are fractions having their denominators as 10.
(^1) is read as one – tenth and is represented in decimal fraction as 0.1
(^1) is read as one – hundredth and is represented in decimal fraction as 0.01
(^1) is read as one – thousandth and is represented in decimal fraction as 0.001.
In the use of number system with 10 as the base, the place value of a number
increases in powers of 10 from right to left and decreases in powers of 10 from left to
The idea of decimals may be explained orally distinguishing the value of digits before
the decimal point and the digits after the decimal point. The values of the digits such
as units, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc., before the decimal point and one-tenth,
one-hundredth, one-thousandth, etc., after the decimal point must be explained clearly
to the child.
- Integral part
The digit or digits which collectively occur before the decimal point in a decimal
number is/are termed as the integral part or the whole number part.
The place value of digits as far as the integral part is concerned is from the right -
units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands etc. As far as the decimal part is