Final Cover - For Printing

(singke) #1

  1. Reducing a fraction to its lowest terms
    To reduce a fraction to its lowest form, both the numerator and denominator should
    be either divided by all their factors in succession or divided by their G.C.D. once.

The process of reducing a fraction to its lowest terms is to be explained to the child
clearly supported by necessary text material in Braille. To master the idea, the child
needs to be given adequate practice in reducing a fraction to its lowest terms on his/
her own.

  1. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Fractions
    For addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions, follow the procedures
    described in abacus calculations (Modules 6 to 13).

  2. Multiplicative inverse
    If the product of two fractions is equal to 1, then each of the fractions is said to be
    the multiplicative inverse of the other.

Eg. : Consider the fraction 75

Note that 75 ×^75 =^1

Therefore, the multiplicative inverse of 75 is 57 and the multiplicative inverse of 57
is 75.
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