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(singke) #1

  1. Algebraic Term
    The product of a variable and a constant is said to be an algebraic term. In other
    words, a constant or variable or the combination of a constant and variables combined
    by means of multiplication (or division) is called a term or an algebraic term.

Eg. : 4, 35, -6 etc., are all constants

X, yz, -m^2 , etc., are all variables

The combination of the constants and the variables like 4x, 3ab, -7yz are all
algebraic terms.

After explaining the concepts of constant and the variable, the idea of an algebraic
term be taught to the child through written demonstration. In the course of the
teaching process, the child may be asked to give some examples for algebraic terms.

  1. Like terms
    Two or more terms which have the same variable or the same product of variables or
    same division of variables are called like terms.

Eg: 2x and - 4x ; 5 xy and 19 xy ;^4 z and −z^15

The above mentioned pairs form a set of like terms since the variables in all the cases
are same. Note that the sign of the variable may differ in the case of like terms.

The idea may be explained orally and once the child acquires adequate familiarity,
he/she may be asked to give some more examples.

  1. Unlike terms
    Two or more terms which have different variables or different product of variables
    or different division of variables are called as unlike terms.

Eg. : 3x and 5z ; 5ab and -6ac; 3m^2 and 3m^3

Note that in all the above mentioned cases the variables are different and hence they
are all unlike terms.
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