Module – 12
Example : 3588 ÷ 46
a) Set the divisor 46 in the extreme left of the abacus. Note that the divisor has two
b) Set the dividend in the extreme right of the abacus. That is, 3 in the thousands
column, 5 in the hundreds column, 8 in the tens column and 8 in the units column.
c) Here, the first digit of the divisor 4 is greater than the first digit of the dividend, that
is 3 of the 3588. Hence, the quotient should be set to the immediate left of the
d) When the divisor is a multiple digit number, we have to take an ASSUMED QUOTIENT.
See that it is assumed. If your judgement is correct you will get assumed quotient as
the actual quotient. If it is not correct, your calculation itself will show you that
alteration of the assumed quotient would be necessary. Let us illustrate this idea by
solving this problem.
e) In selecting the assumed quotient, you can follow a simple technique which holds
good most of the time. See the first digit of the dividend. If it is less than the first
digit of the divisor, consider the first two digits of the dividend. In this problem, it
is 35. See the first digit of the divisor. It is 4. Always add 1 mentally to the first digit
of the divisor. Here the total is 5. Now ask : how many 5’s in 35? You get 7. Seven
can be treated as the assumed quotient. Most of the time, the assumed quotient
selected in this manner becomes the actual quotient.