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(singke) #1

A. Example : 103041

a) Group the digits as 10, 30, 41.

b) 9 is the highest perfect square in 10. Hence set the square root of 9, i.e., 3
and subtract 9 from 10. You are left with 13041.
c) Double the number 3 and set that 6 in the extreme left of the abacus.

d) Consider 13 of the 130, as 1 is smaller than 6. Ask : how many 6’s in 13. You
get your answer as 2. In case of small numbers you need not have an assumed
quotient. Here you are clear that there are two 62’s in 130. Thus straight
away set the number 2 to the right of the first digit of the square root and to
the right side of the number 6 which is set in the extreme left of the abacus.
[In the case of big numbers like 9, 8 etc., you are expected to reduce 1
(number) always for calculations. In the case of small numbers, you can set
the quotient directly].
e) Multiply 2×62. Subtract the value 124 from 130. You are now left with 641
in the abacus. Look at the square root now.

f) In this problem, you are going for a third digit in the square root. Now clear
the 62 which is set in the left extreme.

g) The first two digits of the quotient are 3 and 2. Treat this as 32. Double the
number. Set the number 64 in the left extreme.

Module – 23

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