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(singke) #1

whereas for an irregular hexagon, the code used is

Here the acronym for hexagon is treated as ‘hx’. By applying this logic, one can learn most
of the mathematical codes. The purpose of this module is to enable the learner to follow
a systematic approach in learning Nemeth mathematical Braille codes and not through
memorisation. This module teaches the mathematical Braille codes through the following

  1. Let the learner understand the different types of codes

See the following passage:
I want to distribute 1000 Braille slates to 25 schools @ 40 per school and therefore,
the distribution will be shown as 1000 = 25 ×^ 40.

In this passage, four types of codes are used. The descriptions made in English
indicate the literary codes, there are numbers such as 1000, 25, and 40 which are
written by using number sign, @ which is a script and (=) and (×) are mathematical
operations. This distinction helps the learner to learn the mathematical code better
by applying reasoning.

  1. Let the learner understand that all mathematical codes cannot be interpreted
    by a single Braille cell.
    Start listing the mathematical signs, shapes and scripts known to you and you will
    realise that they are certainly in hundreds. However, the maximum Braille cell
    configurations that we get are only 63. The question is how to interpret the different
    codes using the 63 combinations.

At this stage, try to find out all the sixty three combinations of Braille cell
configurations. There are many ways of exploring but the easiest way is to use the
reversal or mirror image concept.


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