Power Up Your Mind: Learn faster, work smarter

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person who likes to know how things work and fix them when
they go wrong. You may well enjoy doing brainteasers and playing
chess or Trivial Pursuit. You probably enjoyed learning mathe-
matics at school. You like argument and evidence. You enjoy pat-
terns, categories, and systems. You probably make lists at home
and at work and tick off the things you manage to achieve. You
like logical order. You may well enjoy reading financial figures,
although this is not always the case.
(My mathematical intelligence is based on Gardner’s logical-
mathematical. Visual and mathematical together are the ones that
are rewarded in IQ tests and tests derived from them. These two
intelligences have dominated much of the literature of success and
performance for a century, to the exclusion of the others.)


You like pictures and shapes. You notice color, form, and texture.
You probably make use of diagrams, maps, and doodles when you
are in meetings, listening to others, or simply thinking on your own.
You probably use pictures to help you remember things. You may
well be able to draw, paint, or sculpt. You probably spent time in the
arts department at school. You may enjoy visiting galleries and
noticing architecture or landscape. You like maps and cartoons and
prefer to be supported by material that is illustrated rather than
relying on the written word.


You like to work with your body and to use your hands. You enjoy
physical exercise and probably take part in sporting or dance activ-
ity of some kind, either now or in the past. You are the kind of per-
son who gets up on your feet at the first opportunity when in a
group meeting at work or on a dance floor at a party. You like to
handle things directly and enjoy the sensation of new experiences.
You may well use your body to aid communication, waving your
hands, gesturing with your shoulders, and using facial expressions
to augment the meaning of what you are saying. You probably enjoy

154 Power Up Your Mind

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