What Every BODY Is Saying : An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed Reading People

(Brent) #1


The Leg Cleanser

Leg cleansing is one pacification behavior that often goes unnoticed be-
cause it frequently occurs under a desk or table. In this calming or pacify-
ing activity, a person places the hand (or hands) palm down on top of the
leg (or legs), and then slides them down the thighs toward the knee (see
figure 16). Some individuals will do the “leg cleanser” only once, but often
it is done repeatedly or the leg merely is massaged. It may also be done to
dry off sweaty palms associated with anxiety, but principally it is to get rid
of tension. This nonverbal behavior is worth looking for, because it is a
good indication that someone is under stress. One way to try and spot this

When stressed or nervous, people will “cleanse”
their palms on their laps in order to pacify
themselves. Often missed under tables, it is a
very accurate indicator of discomfort or anxiety.

Fig. 16
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