Organic Chemistry

(Dana P.) #1
hydrogen bonded to an spcarbon of a terminal alkyne to form a carbanion called an
acetylide ion, because the amide ion is a stronger base than the acetylide ion.

If hydroxide ion were used to remove a hydrogen bonded to an spcarbon, the reaction
would strongly favor the reactants because hydroxide ion is a much weaker base than
the acetylide ion that would be formed.

The amide ion cannot remove a hydrogen bonded to an or an carbon. Only
a hydrogen bonded to an spcarbon is sufficiently acidic to be removed by the amide
ion. Consequently, a hydrogen bonded to an spcarbon sometimes is referred to as an
“acidic”hydrogen. The “acidic”property of terminal alkynes is one way their reactiv-
ity differs from that of alkenes. Be careful not to misinterpret what is meant when we
say that a hydrogen bonded to an spcarbon is “acidic.”It is more acidic than most
other carbon-bound hydrogens but it is much less acidic than a hydrogen of a water
molecule, and water is only a very weakly acidic compound (pKa=15.7).

sp^2 sp^3

acetylide anion
stronger base

hydroxide anion
weaker base stronger acid

+ HO− RC C− + H 2 O

weaker acid


acetylide ion
weaker base

amide ion
stronger base weaker acid

+ −NH 2 RC C− + NH 3

stronger acid


252 CHAPTER 6 Reactions of Alkynes • Introduction to Multistep Synthesis

Take care not to confuse sodium amide
with sodium (Na) in liquid ammonia. Sodium amide

(Na+ - NH 2 )

is the strong base used to remove a proton from a terminal alkyne.
Sodium is used as a source of electrons in the reduction of an
internal alkyne to a trans alkene (Section 6.8).


Any base whose conjugate acid has a greater than _________ can remove a proton
from a terminal alkyne to form an acetylide ion (in a reaction that favors products).


Which carbocation in each of the following pairs is more stable?

a. or b. or


Explain why sodium amide cannot be used to form a carbanion from an alkane in a reac-
tion that favors products?


a. List the following compounds in order of decreasing acidity:

To compare the acidities of a group of compounds, first look at how they differ. These
three compounds differ in the hybridization of the nitrogen to which the acidic hydro-
gen is attached. Now, recall what you know about hybridization and acidity. You know
that hybridization of an atom affects its electronegativity (spis more electronegative
than and is more electronegative than ); and you know that the more elec-
tronegative the atom to which a hydrogen is attached, the more acidic the hydrogen.
Now you can answer the question.

sp^2 , sp^2 sp^3

CH 3 C‚N


CH 3 CH 2 N H 2

H 3


H 2 C“C

H 2 C“C H

CH 3 C H

H 2


To remove a proton from an acid in a
reaction that favors products, the base
that removes the proton must be
stronger than the base that is formed.

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