Organic Chemistry

(Dana P.) #1
258 CHAPTER 6 Reactions of Alkynes • Introduction to Multistep Synthesis

6.12 Commercial Use of Ethyne

Most of the ethyne produced commercially is used as a starting material for polymers
that we encounter daily, such as vinyl flooring, plastic piping, Teflon, and acrylics.
Polymers are large molecules that are made by linking together many small molecules.
The small molecules used to make polymers are called monomers. The mechanisms
by which monomers are converted into polymers are discussed in Chapter 28.
Poly(vinyl chloride), the polymer produced from the polymerization of vinyl chloride,
is known as PVC. Straight-chain poly(vinyl chloride) is hard and rather brittle; branched
poly(vinyl chloride) is the soft elastic vinyl commonly used both as a substitute for leather
and in the manufacture of such things as garbage bags and shower curtains (Section 28.2).
Poly(acrylonitrile) looks like wool when it is made into fibers. It is marketed under the
trade names Orlon®(DuPont), Creslan®(Sterling Fibers), and Acrilan®(Monsanto).

a monomer

a polymer



po ymerization
HC CH + H 2 CCH 2 CH




vinyl chloride
a monomer
poly(vinyl chloride)
a polymer

HC CH + H 2 CCH 2 CH





Father Julius Arthur Nieuwland (1878–1936) did much of
the early work on the polymerization of ethyne. He was born in Belgium
and settled with his parents in South Bend, Indiana, two years later. He
became a priest and a professor of botany and chemistry at the Universi-
ty of Notre Dame, where Knute Rockne—the inventor of the forward
pass—worked for him as a research assistant. Rockne also taught chem-
istry at Notre Dame, but when he received an offer to coach the football
team, he switched fields, in spite of Father Nieuwland’s attempts to con-
vince him to continue his work as a scientist.

Knute Rockne in his
uniform during the
year he was captain of
the Notre Dame
football team.


Alkynesare hydrocarbons that contain a carbon–carbon
triple bond. A triple bond can be thought of as a cylinder of
electrons wrapped around the bond. The functional group
suffix of an alkyne is “yne.”A terminal alkynehas the
triple bond at the end of the chain; an internal alkynehas
the triple bond located elsewhere along the chain. Internal
alkynes, with two alkyl substituents bonded to the spcar-
bons, are more stable than terminal alkynes. We now have
seen that alkyl groups stabilize alkenes, alkynes, carbo-
cations,andalkyl radicals.
An alkyne is lessreactive than an alkene because a
vinylic cationis less stable than a similarly substituted


alkyl cation. Like alkenes, alkynes undergo electrophilic
addition reactions. The same reagents that add to alkenes
add to alkynes. Electrophilic addition to a terminal
alkyne is regioselective; in all electrophilic addition reac-
tions to terminal alkynes, the electrophileadds to the sp
carbon that is bonded to the hydrogen because the inter-
mediate formed—a secondary vinylic cation—is more
stable than a primary vinylic cation. If excess reagent is
available, alkynes can undergo a second addition reaction
with hydrogen halides and halogens because the product
of the first reaction is an alkene. An alkyl peroxide has
the same effect on the addition of HBr to an alkyne that it

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