Australia 17 - Adelaide & South Australia (Chapter)

(Romina) #1

Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A



Adel Aide & South Au

Str Ali A


4 ̈Sleeping ̈& ̈Eating
Harvest ̈Trail ̈Lodge ̈ HOSTEL$
(%08-85845646;www �harvesttrail�com; 1Kokoda
Tce;  dm  per  night/week $45/125;a) Inside a
converted ’60s waterworks office are four-
bed dorms with TVs and fridges, and a bar-
becue balcony to boot. Staff will find you
fruit-picking work, and shunt you to and
from jobs.

Loxton ̈Hotel ̈ HOTEL-MOTEL$$
(%08-8584 7266,  1800  656  686;  www �loxton
hotel �com �au; 45 East Tce; hotel s/d from $80/105,
motelfrom $120/135;aWs) With all profits
siphoned back into the Loxton community,
this large complex offers immaculate rooms
with tasty weekend packages. The original
pub dates from 1908, but it has been relent-
lessly extended. Bistro meals are available
for breakfast, lunch and dinner (mains $17
to $28).

Loxton ̈Riverfront ̈
Caravan ̈Park ̈ CARAVANPARK$
(%08-8584 7862, 1800  887  733;  www �lrcp �com �
au; SophieEdingtonDr; unpowered/poweredsites
from $22/32,cabinswithout/withbathroomfrom
$62/75;aW) Situated on the gum-studded
Habels Bend, about 2km from town, this
affable riverside caravan park bills itself as
‘The Quiet One’. You can hire a canoe (per
hour/day $11/55), and there’s a free nine-
hole golf course (usually sandy, occasionally

88 Information
Loxton Visitor Information Centre(%08-
8584 8071,1300 869 990; www �loxtontourism�
com �au; BookpurnongTce, LoxtonRoundabout;
h9am-5pmMon-Fri,9am-4pmSat, 10am-
4pm Sun) Afriendlyplacefor accommodation,
transportand national-parkinfo, plus asmall
art gallery� Look for the Historic Walks of Loxton

POP 7440
The name Berri derives from the Aboriginal
term berri berri, meaning ‘big bend in the
river’, and it was once a busy refuelling stop
for wood-burning paddle steamers. These
days Berri plays its role as an affluent re-
gional hub for both state government and
agricultural casual-labour agencies, and is
one of the better places to chase down casu-
al harvest jobs.

1 ̈Sights ̈& ̈Activities
Road access to the scenic Katarapko Creek
section of the Murray ̈River ̈National ̈Park
(www�environment�sa �gov �au) is off the Stuart
Hwy between Berri and Barmera. This is a
beaut spot for bush camping (per car $7),
canoeing and birdwatching.

Riverland ̈Farmers ̈Market ̈ MARKET
(www�riverlandfarmersmarket�org �au; CrawfordTce,
Senior Citizens Hall; h7�30-11 �30am Sat) All
the good stuff that grows around here in
one place. A bacon-and-egg roll and some
freshly squeezed orange juice will right your

A ̈Special ̈Place ̈for ̈Jimmy ̈James ̈GARDENS
(RiverviewDr; h24hr) A short amble from the
visitor centre, A Special Place for Jimmy
James is a living riverbank memorial to
the Aboriginal tracker who could ‘read the
bush like a newspaper’. Whimsical tracks
and traces are scattered around granite

River ̈Lands ̈Gallery ̈ GALLERY
(www�countryarts�org �au; 23 WilsonSt;h10am-
4pm Mon-Fri) As the murals and totem poles
around the base of Berri Bridge attest,
Berri is an artsy kinda town. This gallery
displays local, indigenous and travelling
painting, sculpture, weaving and digital
media exhibitions.

(%0408 282 300; www �houseboatadventure�com �
au/BMStours�php;  tours  from  $60; #) Murray
tours from Berri on an Everglades-style air-
boat called Elka.

4 ̈Sleeping ̈& ̈Eating
Berri ̈Backpackers ̈ HOSTEL$
(%08-8582 3144;  www �berribackpackers�com �au;
1081 Old Sturt Hwy; dm per night/week$25/160;
iWs) On the Barmera side of town, this
eclectic hostel is destination numero uno
for work-seeking travellers, who chill out
after a hard day’s manual toil in quirky new-
age surrounds. Rooms range from messy
dorms to doubles, share houses, a tepee and
a yurt − all for the same price. The manag-
ers can hook you up with harvest work (call
in advance).

Berri ̈Resort ̈Hotel ̈ HOTEL-MOTEL$$
(%08-8582 1411,  1800  088  226;  www �berri
resorthotel�com;  Riverview Dr;  hotel  s & tw  $75, 
moteld$155-175;aWs) This mustard-and-
maroon monolith across the road from the
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