Believing That You Can

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Believing That You Can

hope to one day return to Haiti and bring change through
the political arena. Some people that have walked down a
similar path as my own have given into despair and given
up on their dreams because they lack resources.

However, the United States of America offers unlimited
resources that make my goals and ambitions possible.
Attending Dunbar Community School is the first step upon
this exciting journey. Learning and understanding English
is a tool that can unlock many doors that were once closed
to me and never seemed like a realistic option. The next
step is to attend college for Political Science. I would like
to gain experience in politics while in the United States
through employment and volunteer efforts. I would
eventually like to use my acquired schools and resources to
help those in my homeland. One of my goals is to open an
orphanage and English school in Haiti. I believe Education
is the key to Liberation. The English school would be free
and community funded. I would also like to get involved in
community development projects in Haiti and eventually
become a politician. I hope that one day Haiti will
experience the same resources and opportunities as the
Unites States of America such as free education, free
housing, food, and medical for those in need, and

Gardy Elizaire is a student at Dunbar Community School.

Playing Music for God
My goals and ambitions are to become a musician,
because I would like to play music for God, for all of the
things he’s done for me. With God in my life; I have
security. When I was a younger boy, I didn’t know anything
about my life. Now, I’m older and know more about life. I
want to stay connected with Jesus. This is the reason I have
chosen to play music for my God. I have always had
ambitions that I wanted to fulfill. On the other hand, there
were things happening to me that I didn’t understand. I
didn’t know why I was being punished. I thought that I was
a good boy. One day God came to me and said that I will
protect you and help you to have a better life.

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