Believing That You Can

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Believing That You Can Believing That You Can

Personal Story

What it Takes to be a Good Parent
I have lived in Florida since September, 1999. My life
is similar to other people’s lives. When I came to this
country I had many dreams; the time has gone by and now I
have my own family and my dreams have changed. My
children are the most important ones to me. I want my
children to go to college and have a good career. I know
that many things exist such as drugs, alcohol and bad
people. I feel worried, so it is important to talk to my
children about the good and bad things in their lives. When
I feel something is not right, I talk with them. I hope that
when they’re grown up they will be good people. Now the
most important thing is to save for their college expenses. I
also want to learn more English so I can help them. This
country has many opportunities for my children. Since they
were born here, their lives can be better than ours.

I almost forgot to talk about my son’s life. It is sad but
he makes me stronger. He is autistic. He needs language
therapy and goes to the doctor frequently. I have a dream
that if I can study and get a GED diploma, I would like to
go to college to learn about autism and find out why some
children have this problem and how to help them. Presently
there is no cure for autism and the cause is not known. In
the future I hope to continue to help my son, as well as other
autistic children and their parents. Sometimes I glare with
my eyes when other children or adults say mean things or
make fun of autistic children. This makes me mad and sad,
and I am inspired to do something for them. I hope to stop
the bullying for those children and have a conference for
parents and children twice a month where I can share my
personal story and invite guest psychologists.

Alberta Leon is studying in the Clearwater Adult Education/ United
Methodist Cooperative Ministries Program at the High Point YMCA.
Her teacher is Ms. Brigita Gahr.

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