Believing That You Can

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My Experience in Adult Education

through GED classes. I didn’t do very well there. I’ve
noticed in these places that they don’t understand what it is
like to be a single mother. They don’t understand my
experience. They didn’t take me seriously about getting my
GED. Instead of talking to me, they would yell at me. They
would yell and take things in a different way. Sometimes
my child is sick or I may not have child care. It’s so hard to
find a babysitter in the first place and secondly you have to
pay the baby sitter. This can be difficult when my job
doesn’t pay a lot and the rent is also due. The last thing I
need to add to my stress is to be yelled at or criticized. I
have tried a new place that I feel good about called
Clearwater Family Literacy Program.

My teacher is amazing! She is very helpful and
knowledgeable. She understands my situation and has
helped me so much in such a short period of time. Most of
all she has faith in all her students and is like a mother to us
all. I am very lucky because this year I will finish and
graduate with my High School Diploma at age 22. I will
also start college this year. Thank you Mrs. Cheryl Shaver
for giving me a chance and most of all for having faith in
me and making this the best possible experience!

Jennifer Lanphar is a student at Clearwater Family Literacy Program.

Life in Adult Education
My experience in adult education and literacy began
soon after I left high school. I didn’t have the required
credits to earn a high school diploma. So, I enrolled in
G.E.D classes. Before I enrolled in Dunbar Community
Adult Education program I was not motivated to learn. My
test scores were low. My self-esteem to learn was gone. In
my high school years, I didn’t have the love for academic
knowledge. My freshman year went well. I passed all of my
classes with a 2.0 average. In the following three years, I
only had fourteen credits, which were very low. I needed a
new start. A friend told me he earned his G.E.D. from a
school close to where I live. I enrolled myself and began to
work hard. It was a journey of many years. At times I quit. I

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