Believing That You Can

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An Encounter That Changed My Life

license to murder. I have seen some brutal things, including
fights that resulted in serious injuries. I have seen a
correctional officer use excessive force on an inmate. These
are just some of the reasons why I’ll change so I don’t have
to come back to jail. In order for me not to return to jail, I
will be a more upstanding citizen and become socially
responsible within my community. I hope that reading about
my experiences will encourage you to take the right path
through life so you can avoid coming to a place like this.

Joseph Creamer is a student at Santa Rosa Adult School.

Predestined: How My Life Changed
I believe God chose me to be the main caregiver for my
eighty-four year old mother. She was diagnosed with
moderate Alzheimer’s Disease in December of 2012. My
mother is a strong woman of faith who is a retired domestic
worker. Despite her illness, she continues to clean the
house, wash clothes and cook. So Mom is an inspiration to
me. But despite all this, Mom increasingly needs help.

Taking care of Mom has been a big change in my life
but not the only one. My two marriages lasted a total of 15
years, and both ended in divorce. This led me to believe
that I had to make changes in my life. Plus, I thought about
the fact that many people I know have divorced. And so, for
these reasons, I’m also led by God to start a marriage
ministry. I have a friend who encouraged me during my
separation to do just that.

When I first learned of Mom battling Alzheimer’s, I
didn’t understand what was going on with her. Then I
prayed and asked God to help me be more patient with her.
And then I read about Alzheimer’s Disease to help me
understand what was happening to Mom. Alzheimer’s
affects not only a loved one but also the whole family; in
fact, it changes one’s life a lot! And now I know what to
expect with my mother. I expect to see her memory loss
and mood swings continue to get worse. In some cases, a
person with Alzheimer’s Disease may need to be in a
nursing home. I hope this never happens to her. She
deserves the best care and love, and that means being at

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