To distinguish between these dual rulerships, the positive signs were called Day Houses, and
the negative signs, the Night Houses -- although since they are signs not houses, the terms
Day Home and Night Home would be preferable.
..Day Home.......Planet.....Night Home
A person born by night, with the Sun below the horizon, looks to the Night Homes of the
planets to be the stronger; if born with the Sun above the horizon, the Day Homes.
The moderns have thrown this into confusion in an effort to ascribe rulerships to the newly-
discovered planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Many authorities prefer however to consider
these as second-octave planets: Uranus of Mercury, Neptune of Venus, and Pluto of Mars.
Other systems of rulership have been variously proposed. v. Rulership.
For further observations on the relative strength of the Dignities: v. Synthesis.
Triplicity, Rulers of. Another variety of Dignity, used in Mundane and Horary practice, is
that of a planet posited in its own Triplicity. The rulerships of the Triplicities are, however,
not always the rulers of the three signs which make up the Triplicity. For example, of the Fire
Trigon, Mars as an enemy of the Sun is dethroned, and the Sun is made the ruler by day, and
Jupiter by night. This was the Northern Triplicity, since because Jupiter brought to the
Egyptians fruitful showers from out of the North he was said to rule the North; also the
Northwest, because the outlawed Mars now and then brought in the West wind; and
Southwest, because Mars is feminine, and the South is feminine. Of the Earth Trigon Venus
was its ruler by day and the Moon by night. This was the Southern Trigon, because "under the
petticoat government of Venus and the Moon," as Wilson puts it, "they contrived to exclude