Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

clearly indicated and predicted. The method is worth the close attention of all students. All
planets act from the Sign and House to which they have attained by direction, but when their
radical places are directed they act in terms of their radical positions.

Gustave Lambert-Brahy of Brussels and Henry J. Gouchon of Paris have confirmed the belief
that the progressing of the Ascendant "carries with it all the rest of the sky." They propose as a
logical procedure that the Ascendant be advanced on the basis of 4' of S.T. per year, adding the
same arc to each planet's position. Recessional Directions. A term applied by P. J. Harwood, a
British astrologer, to H. S. Green's system of prenatal directions, in which the day prior to birth
corresponds to the first year after birth.

Recessional Directions. A term applied by P.J. Harwood, a British astrologer, to H.S. Green's
system of pre-natal directions, in which the day prior to birth corresponds to the first year after

Dispositor. (to dispose of) The Ruler of the Sign on the cusp of a House disposes of, or is the
dispositor of, a planet posited in that House. When the dispositor of any planet taken as a
significator, is itself disposed of by the Ruler of the Ascendant, it is deemed a strongly favorable
indication. In a Solar Figure, the Ruler of the Sign is the Dispositor of a planet posited therein.
The assumption is that when a planet is in a Sign that is ruled by another planet, it is supposed to
be so influenced by the planet that rules the Sign in which it is placed, as in effect to alter its
nature. Thus, if Saturn is in a Sign ruled by Jupiter, the Jupiterian influence is presumed so to
permeate the Saturn influence as to render it more Jupiterian and less Saturnian. This idea is
expressed by saying either that "Saturn is disposed of by Jupiter," or that "Jupiter is the
dispositor of Saturn." Definitions of various authorities are somewhat vague and apparently
contradictory, but a study of older texts appears to justify the simple explanation here given. of
course the term must not be interpreted too literally, for most authorities argue that a planet
actually in-a-House is more potent in its influence over the affairs of that House than is the Ruler
of the Sign on its cusp, or of a Sign intercepted within the House. The extent to which the
Dispositor nullifies the influence of the planet of which it disposes, is a matter of judgment
based upon the strength of aspects and the character of the aspecting planets as affecting both the
Dispositor and the planet of which it disposes.

In his dictionary Alan Leo gives a reverse definition to that offered by Sepharial, but evades the
issue by remarking that "it is probably of more importance in Horary Astrology, though it must
have some value in Nativities." However, too many ancient texts base judgments on the
"dispositor of Mercury" to admit of Mercury not having a Dispositor - which under Leo's
definition that "a planet in the House of another disposes of that planet," would occur if no
planets were in Gemini or Virgo. However, since Mercury must always be in some Sign, the
designation of the Ruler of that Sign as Mercury's Dispositor becomes a logical application of
the term. The Ruler of the Sign Mercury posits is thus a determining factor in the qualities of
disposition that the fluctuating Mercury will develop.

Dissociate Signs. Adjacent Signs and those that are five Signs apart: those which bear to each
other a 12th, 2nd, 6th or 8th House relationship. v. Inconjunct.

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