Encyclopedia of Astrology

(vip2019) #1

C The Sun

D Saturn

E Mercury

F The Moon

G Mars

A Venus

B Jupiter

Peculiarly, the next two planets discovered have, according to Sepharial, an axial rotation from
east to west, contrary to the order of the other bodies. It is in reference to the Gamut that Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto are spoken of as belonging to the second octave: Uranus, the octave of
Mercury; Neptune, of Venus; and Pluto, of Mars. (Mark Knights, d. March 20, 1897 fr.
asphyxiation, traced references to five of these "notes" in Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew"
1623 folio ed.)

Gemini. The Third Sign of the Zodiac. v. Signs.

Gems. v. Signs; Planetary.

Genethliacal Astrology. Natal astrology - that which deals with the geniture in a nativity.

Genethlialogy. That department of Astrology which deals with the birth of individuals, whereby
one forms a judgment of the characteristics of a person from a map of the heavens cast for his
given birth moment.

Geniture. A Birth or Genesis. A term that is approximately synonymous with Nativity, as
referring to the subject whose birth horoscope is under consideration. A reasonable
discrimination would be to employ Nativity in reference to the person, and Geniture to the
configurations which show in his birth map. Ptolemy speaks of Lord of the Geniture in referring
to the Ruling planet in a given horoscope of birth.

Geoarc. A term applied by some modern authorities to one of the house divisions of a map
erected for a given moment, when there is under consideration the effect upon an individual, at a
given point on the Earth's periphery, of his motion around the Earth's center - in the Earth's daily
rotation. The same subdivision of the same map is called a heliarc, when there is under

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