consideration effects based on the actual motions in orbit around the Sun, of all the planets -
including the Earth. In other words, Geoarc is synonymous with House, and Heliarc with Solar
House, emphasizing the character of the motion to which the subdivisions apply. A geoarc
considers the Earth as a rotating body, imparting an appar- ent motion to celestial points and
objects. A heliarc views the Earth as a fixed point from which one considers the effects of the
actual motions of celestial objects. The heliarcs are 30° arcs measured from the Sun's position on
the day for which the Figure is erected.
Geoarc Figure. One in which the cusp of the first Geoarc is the degree rising at a given
moment. If the Sun's position becomes the first cusp, it is a Heliarc Figure. However, the
subdivisions of either map may be considered either as Geoarcs or Heliarcs, or both.
Geocentric. (1) Having the Earth for a center. The geocentric positions of the planets indicating
their position. These are now generally calculated from the heliocentric places as given in the
Nautical Almanac. The difference between the two is incorrectly termed the parallax. All
astrological considerations are based on the geocentric positions of the planets, on the theory that
Astrology is concerned with planetary motions only as they affect the Earth. (2) The distance
along the Ecliptic from 0° Aries, as viewed from the Earth.
Heliocentric Longitude is expressed in degrees of Right Ascension, from 0° to 360°, while
Geocentric Longitude is expressed in terms of the Signs of the Zodiac.
Geomancy, Astrological. A system of divination, employing a map containing twelve
divisions, in which arc placed symbols of geomancy, in conjunction with the ruling planets
and signs.
Gibbous. v. Phase.
Giver of Life. The Hyleg, or Significator that holds the vital prerogative. (v. Hyleg.)
Gnomes. An esoteric name for the invisible Nature-spirits that belong to the Earth Triplicity.
Golden Number. The number of any year in the Metonic Cycle of 235 Lunations (q.v.),