Hayz. In Horary Questions a masculine diurnal planet above the Earth in a Day Figure, and a
feminine nocturnal planet under the Earth in a Night Figure is a Dignity of 1°, and is
reckoned fortunate. The Arabians did not conceive it a perfect Hayz except when the
masculine planet was in a male Sign, or the feminine planet in a female Sign. A masculine
planet in a male Sign under the Earth by day was considered to be only in his light, and the
person denoted by it to be in a state of contentment.
Hearing. Deemed to be under the Dominion of Saturn. v. Senses.
Heart of the Sun. v. Cazimi.
Heliacal Rising. Lit., rising with the Sun. When a planet or a star, after it has been hidden by
the Sun's rays, becomes again visible.
Heliacal Setting. When a star is overtaken by the Sun and is lost in its rays. The Heliacal
rising or setting of the Moon occurs when it is within 17° of the Sun; other stars and planets,
when within 30° distance.
Heliarc. v. Geoarc.
Heliarc Figure. A Solar Figure based on the Earth's annual revolution around the Sun,
employing the Sun's position as an ascendant degree. In a Heliarc Figure each heliarc consists
of 30°. v. Geoarc Figure.
Heliocentric. The Sun as a center. The science of Astrology is largely based on geocentric
observations, since it treats of cosmic forces as perceived or received by an inhabitant of the
Earth. Some authorities believe that heliocentric considerations may contribute added